Friday, November 30, 2012

Nothing better to do?

To tell you the truth I'd forgotten about this, then today had the need to pull up a horse's registered name & couldn't for the life of me remember what it was, then I thought, oh! I'm sure it's listed somewhere on that blog... so I log in... boy, the barrage of comments that have been left were not only entertaining, but also shocking. Not shocking to the point where I was left aghast at was actually posted but shocking that some people are still so enthralled in the drama of other peoples's lives when it never involved them to begin with.
No doubt most people know what went down, it's no secret, I won't hash out the details & dirty laundry, it's long gone & in the past & I don't think twice about it anymore, nor do I let it bother me. I've been able to move past that, I just wonder why other people are having  such a hard time doing that very thing. Really, do you have nothing better to do? Is there nothing in your life that you are better off occupyiung your time with?
I guess we should feel so flattered that people are so worried about the goings on of our lives, sickening though when those people only wish you ill will. You know what they say though, people are crazy.

Have a wonderful day!